20+ Ways to Repurpose Your Content in 2024

Repurpose content

The process of creating high-quality content doesn’t stop, especially if you’re looking to increase your brand’s market share. This essentially means that you need to always be creating high-quality content if you want to keep your audience engaged and attract new site visitors.

However, always creating successful content that is relevant to your audience can be a challenge.

One solution is to repurpose and reuse your already “successful” content to create more engaging content for your brand.

In this article, we’ll talk about some of the ways you can repurpose your content in 2023. This way, you can use existing content to gain a wider audience for your business.

#1. Create guides from old blog posts

If you’ve created detailed blog posts about trending topics previously, there’s a high chance you already have the information and skills to create guides for the topic. This way, you can use what you already know to create new content for your audience.

For instance, if you’ve published WordPress blog posts about the best discount plugins, you can create guides on how your audience can use the plugin themselves. Guides, even at a basic level, work great to teach someone a skill that can help them solve their problems or transform their business. This offers great value to your already existing audience and helps attract new users to your site who are looking for similar solutions or have the same interests.

#2. Create podcasts from already published content

Podcasts are a great way to discuss a topic in detail or offer exclusive audio content to your audience about a trending topic. Podcasts offer your audience an easy way to digest and engage with your content at their own convenience, without having to worry about going through multiple paragraphs of text to find the content they need.

You can create podcasts or talk about certain topics and upload the video for your audience to listen in while they drive to work or wait for the bus. This makes your content much more accessible for all types of people and helps attract more site visitors to your website.

#3. Share business statistics on social media platforms

Social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook offer a great way to promote your brand and the products or services you offer. You can share different infographics and statistics images that are easy to read on social media platforms.

This not only helps cater to a wider audience using your existing content but also makes it easier for your audience to share your content with their friends or family.

#4. Add new updated information to old blog posts

It’s always a great idea to keep a track of all your old blog posts that were once very trending or popular amongst your audience. It’s also important to keep a track of previously published blog posts as you might need to update information regarding a topic or trend that has changed. For instance, if you mentioned a functionality that was removed from a WordPress plugin, you want to update your old blog post with new information.

You can send your audience a notification about the old blog post being updated. This will not only encourage more people to re-visit your old blog post but also help attract new site visitors to your old blog posts.

#5. Create follow-up blog posts to repurpose content

Since the world of technology is always evolving, trends can change and so does your content need to. You can create follow-up blog posts for topics that are hard to explain or too broad to explain in one post.

For instance, you can create a follow-up blog post about how to customize your WordPress site as it’s something that’s constantly changing due to developers and companies coming up with better, new tools to do so. You don’t want the information or your content outdated and out of trend for your general audience. Creating a follow-up blog post can help keep interested users engaged with your content and help you look like the industry expert.

#6. Create an e-book entirely from your existing content

Creating an ebook requires a lot of topic knowledge and content to help teach your audience all about a specific skill or topic. For instance, you can create an ebook “guide on how to enhance B2B content marketing for your business” that helps your audience improve the marketing efforts of their businesses.

However, you can also create an ebook entirely from your existing content. You can find similar or “look-alike” content and compile them into a detailed ebook that offers more value to your audience. E-books make it easier for your audience to digest your content and help you increase engagement on your content.

#7. Write guest posts on topics you’re already familiar with

Writing content about the topics you already have extensive knowledge of is a great way to repurpose content. Since it’s all in your head, you can find opportunities to write similar articles or guest posts on other websites.

This not only helps you tap into other brands’ audiences but also makes your brand look professional and the industry leader.

#8. Turn your existing text-based content into video

You can also turn your existing text-based content into video as a way to cater to most of your “visual” audience. For instance, you can create video guides using previously published articles on how to enhance your WordPress site. Most people are visual learners and you make it easier for them to digest your content by offering a video guide, as well as a detailed blog post.

Converting your text-based content into video is a great way to reuse your content without sounding bland, or publishing the “same” content again. You can add more detail and information to your video guide, without having to worry about ruining the structure of the post, as you would with publishing an article or text-based content.

#9. Collaborate and create content with industry leaders

It’s also a great idea to use your knowledge and skills to collaborate with your industry peers or industry leaders. This helps you showcase your expertise better to a wider audience and doesn’t require you to create “new” content. You’re creating content you’re already familiar with, along with industry peers who are on the same page as you.

In addition to this, it’s also a great way to tap into other brands’ audiences and gain their trust in your skills and knowledge.

#10. Create a FAQ section entirely from your client’s questions

Coming up with FAQs can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have enough time to brainstorm and think of new content ideas.

You can repurpose the questions most clients ask you and create a FAQ section entirely based on that. This is a great way to answer the “right” questions, or questions most of your prospective customers will have when visiting your site, without having to put in the effort of thinking of new FAQs.

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#11. Using the best support queries or questions to create quality content

Sometimes the people who are finding solutions can give you the right “direction” for what to create. This refers to the people who are contacting you through support queries and asking important questions that help them make informed purchase decisions.

You can use these important questions to create quality content that gives your audience the solutions. People looking for similar solutions will also be encouraged to engage with your content and trust your brand with their hard-earned money.

#12. Use customer/client testimonials to create content

Customers’ testimonials authenticate the quality of your product or service. This essentially means testimonials can be used to validate that your product or service really does help people or businesses solve their problems.

You can use customer testimonials to create short blog posts and include a “see what experts say about our product” section. This way, new site visitors can relate to other customers like them which makes it easier for them to find value in your product or service.

#13. Use a newsletter to highlight your best content to new site visitors

Most business owners aim to increase site traffic so that their content creation efforts are profitable. But that also means new site visitors will be attracted to your site from the newly published content, not from previously published popular content on your site.

This gives you the perfect opportunity to use a newsletter on your site to highlight your best content to new site visitors or even returning site visitors who might have missed the old content.

#14. Create shorter styled articles using long, detailed blog posts

It’s also useful to create shorter-styled articles using longer, detailed blog posts. For instance, if you have published an article on optimizing your WordPress database, you can create smaller posts that highlight some of the key mistakes while optimizing WD.

It helps cater to all types of people, especially the ones who like to skim through longer articles and prefer shorter reading time for posts. You can simply reuse old content and divide the information or topics into multiple shorter articles.

#15. Create a roundup post

Creating a roundup post that highlights all the previously published content is a great way to repurpose content on your site.

You can list and link all of your previously explained topics in a roundup post with a short description explaining what each post is about. This not only improves navigation on your site but also helps site visitors find old published content that might have been otherwise difficult to find.

#16. Add infographics to your blog posts

Your blog posts should be full of information and also contain images to keep your audience engaged with the content. If your blog posts only contain text-based content, consider adding infographics to your already published blog posts.

This will help attract site visitors and enhance the user experience on your site. You also make it easier for your audience to share your infographics or images to other platforms. This increases the chance of your already published content going “viral” and catching the attention of a wider audience.

#17. Offer premium content as content upgrades

It’s always a great idea to offer premium content as a content upgrade along with your existing content. This way, you can offer a more exclusive user experience for people who are willing to pay extra for it.

For instance, you can offer premium content as an online course and mention it at the end of your blog post related to the topic. This way, interested audience members have a quick way to purchase premium content and expand their knowledge even more. As a result, it can help you generate more revenue while reusing your old content to offer “value-added” products or content upgrades.

#18. Use information from a Quora Q&A and turn it into a blog post

Quora is a popular online thread where users can ask questions and industry experts can give their personal opinion on it or proceed to give ideas as the answers. You can use your information from the questions you’ve answered to create engaging blog posts for your audience.

Since you already have the knowledge and skills, you can create blog posts from Quora Q&A ideas. This will help you quickly create engaging content that most of your target audience is already eager to see.

#19. Host a webinar using content from previously published posts

Hosting a webinar using content from previously published posts is also a great way to repurpose your content. You can host webinars using the information or the topics your audience is the most interested in.

Webinars offer a great way to gain valuable customer feedback and gain insight into what kind of content your audience wants to see. You can ask your audience questions about what kind of content they’d like to see in the future and what they like about your content the most. This not only helps keep your audience engaged but also enhances your content marketing strategies.

#20. Create and publish case studies using internal business data

Since only you have the internal business data for your organization, you can structure such data and create case studies based on it.

This gives your audience a better understanding of how well your product or service works and how it’s enabled other people and businesses to transform their business. It’s also a great way to encourage more people to try out your product or service as other people have had huge success with using it.

#21. Create presentations from detailed blog posts

Presentations are also a great way to put out information or research-heavy topics in a properly stunted, easy-to-understand post. Ideally, you want to write a comprehensive summary of the topic with proper images and bullet points using content from previously published detailed blog posts.

Presentations work great for encouraging prospective customers to trust your product or service and go for the purchase. It’s better than presenting your content in a bland, text-only format that is hard to read for your audience, especially visual learners.

#22. Repurpose content for your email series

Repurposing your content for your email series is also a great idea for reusing already published content.

For instance, you can break down a detailed guide on “the top WordPress plugins for creating discounts” into smaller sections and offer them to your audience as an email series. This is different from traditional email marketing as you will be manually sending weekly or monthly emails to registered site visitors.


It’s important for any business owner to know multiple ways to repurpose content, especially with the growing competition in every industry. It’s not always resource-efficient to keep creating new, high-quality content that will be successful, sometimes it’s best to reuse the content that is already successful or in demand.

Repurposing your content not only saves you time and effort but also helps you get more value out of every piece of content you create. In other words, it helps you maximize content efficiency. This way, you can focus more on converting your site visitors into quality leads instead of creating high-quality content to attract site visitors only.

Do you know of any other ways to repurpose your content in 2023? Share your best content repurposing tips in the comments section below.

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