8 Different Types of Content Every Business Needs on Its Website

Different types of content

If you’re like most business owners, you probably have the same question in mind regarding content: what are the different types of content my business website needs?

Depending on your audience and the industry you’re in, you can create and publish many different types of content on your business website. This not only helps you enhance the user experience on your business website but also helps grow your business website by attracting new site visitors.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the most popular types of content you can include to engage your audience and increase conversions for your business.

Different types of content you should include on your business website

Let’s dive deeper into the different types of content you should include on your website to help engage your audience and make your business website profitable.

#1. Blog posts

Blog posts are a great way to present your audience with high-quality content compiled into a structure that’s easy for people to read. Depending on your content and your audience, you can create long or short articles on your website and publish them as blog posts.

Ideally, you want to create a properly structured blog post for your business website. This means you need to create blog posts that contain proper headings, subheadings, sections, and visual aids to improve the reading experience for your audience. You don’t want to create blog posts just for the sake of creating some. Instead, you want to put in the time and effort to properly structure your blog posts and ensure the content is valuable to your readers.

This is because properly structured blog posts are great for optimizing SEO and engaging new site visitors on your website. Creating blog posts is one of the best ways to grow organic traffic on your business website. You can use high-priority keywords to improve the SEO for your business website. As a result, it makes your web pages appear higher in users’ search engine results.

WordPress is a content management system that makes it incredibly easy to create and publish search engine-optimized blog posts on your business website.

#2. Whitepapers

You can also include more lengthy content on your website as white papers or eBooks for your audience. For instance, you can offer an ebook as a downloadable PDF from your business website. This way, you can offer your audience a detailed look into a topic while engaging them with your business website.

This gives your audience a better understanding of the topic and offers them more value from your business. This essentially makes you seem like the industry expert which in return makes it easier for people to trust your brand with their money.

Letting users access whitepapers and eBooks on your business website can lead to a higher conversion rate. This is because you grab the attention of your audience by offering premium content that covers the topic in-depth. In addition to this, they’re more likely to share such free downloadable content with their friends and family. As a result, it can boost engagement and organic traffic on your business website.

#3. Videos

Offering easy-to-consume content such as videos is also essential in growing your business website. Videos are a great way to attract and engage all types of site visitors, even the ones who have a hard time reading text on web pages.

This not only helps make your business website much more accessible to all types of users but also helps enhance the learning experience for your audience. You can upload short video clips containing insightful information about a specific topic on your business website and keep users engaged with your content.

It’s also a great idea to create and upload promotional videos for your business on your website. It helps new site visitors better understand how our brand can provide value to them and also improve content visibility. It also makes it much easier to attract all types of people to your website including mobile users, tablet users, or people that have visual impairments.

Videos can also be used to host live Q&A sessions on your business website. It’s an effective way to engage and connect with your audience by answering their queries or questions in real-time.

#4. Infographics

Infographics are basically visual representations of useful data or information in attractive images that help enhance the learning experience on your business website. Since most people are visual learners, you can create infographics to engage all types of site visitors on your website and make your content easily digestible.

Offering infographics on your business website is also a great way to earn shares and likes across social media platforms. People like to share images with their friends and family as it’s much easier to share images than send someone a detailed blog post.

This also increases the chances of your infographic image going viral by users excessively sharing it on social media platforms. This not only attracts more organic traffic to your business website but also helps enhance your content marketing strategies.

#5. Webinars

Offering webinars is also a great way to educate your audience on a specific topic. This is great for membership websites that want to keep their audience engaged with content as well as enhance the learning experience for students.

Webinars help people understand your content better and the services your business offers. As a result, it can help improve sales and engagement on your business website. You can host webinars for your audience and help answer their questions. This makes it easier for them to trust your brand and motivates them to become loyal customers of your brand.

Additionally, you can also invite celebrity guests to join your webinar as a way to attract more attendees. This way, you also tap into the celebrity’s fan base and expose them to your brand’s content.

#6. Podcasts

 Podcasts offer detailed audio-based or video-based content for your audience to help better understand a specific topic on your business website. Podcasts are a great way to connect with your audience, even the people who don’t prefer reading your content or about your products.

This allows your audience to consume your content much more conveniently and passively. For instance, people can listen to podcasts while eating dinner, going to work, or before sleeping. It offers an easy way for them to view your content and connect with your brand at their own pace.

Podcasts also offer one of the best ways to promote your content and help all types of people learn more about your brand.

#7. Case studies

Case studies are also a great way to present factual information about your business to your audience. This way, you can showcase the success of your customers using your company and its services.

You can study past clients and reach out to them as a way to better understand how your business helped them succeed. You can then use their shared information to create content for your business website.

For instance, you can create a case study by presenting an example of how your service helps a customer achieve their goals and become successful. This can help other customers relate better to your content and helps increase conversions on your business website.

#8. Testimonials and product reviews

Testimonials and product reviews also offer a great way to publish content that helps promote your products and services. This way, you validate that your services or products work and are trusted by other users.

For instance, you can ask customers to leave a short review about their experience with your content or service. This way, people who are interested in your content will be fully convinced to purchase the service since other people like them also have done so. It’s an effective way to attract prospective customers and effectively turn them into loyal customers of your brand.


Deciding on what type of content to publish on your business website can be a challenge, especially with so many options available. Depending on your business and the audience you cater to, you need to choose the type of content you can create and publish easily and regularly.

This is crucial for engaging your audience and for creating premium, high-quality content for your business website. You can include different types of content such as blog posts, whitepapers, videos, infographics, webinars, podcasts, case studies, and testimonials on your business website.

The best part is that you can repurpose these content pieces as content upgrades to generate qualified leads for your business!

What are some other types of content businesses might benefit from publishing on their website? Let us know in the comments box below.

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